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Steve Payne

Wisconsin, USA

Steve was baptized as a college freshman, serving in lay leadership since. He worked for 23 years in the field of corporate finance before leaving to be the primary care-giver for his mother, who suffered from dementia. It was during this time God inspired Steve to pursue his love of teaching the Bible full-time. He completed his Masters in theology from Rochester University (Michigan) in 2020. He and his wife, Lisa, recently moved to Eau Claire, WI, to build a teaching ministry supporting our smaller churches in the Upper Midwest area.

God-Centered Biblical Interpretation

What if God wants you to be biased in your interpretation of Holy Scripture? We will explore the growing movement challenging the effectiveness of “scientific” hermeneutics (which attempt to find the “unbiased meaning” of texts) and consider how the biases created by faith and trust in God should affect our biblical interpretation.

Thursday, February 24th

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM




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