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Steve Hiddleson

Arizona, USA

Steve currently serves in the ministry in the Phoenix Church. He graduated with a study of Religion degree from UCLA and graduate teaching degree in Biological Sciences from Cal State LA. He is pursuing his MDIV at the Rocky Mountain School of Ministry. He has a passion for Biblical interpretation, commuter cycling, and coaching his daughter's volleyball team. Steve and Keri have three awesome daughters who are 24, 20, and 12.

Exegesis of Mark 9:30-42 In Light of the Greek Text

This class will look at the historical, literary, canonical, and theological context of this entire periscope with the ultimate purpose of more clearly defining who Jesus meant by “these little ones” in verse 42. The spiritual stakes are tremendously high, for to cause “these little ones” to stumble is to invite a drowning in the sea with a millstone around one’s neck. Just who are “these little ones” that Jesus is commanding us to treat with such special concern? We will look specifically at how the Greek text illuminates difficulties in understanding passages such as these.

Thursday, February 24th

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM



Mark (Understanding the Bible Commentary Series)
by Larry W. Hurtado

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