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Ben Borland

Oklahoma, USA

Ben and his wife, Susan serve as the Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader for the OKC Church in Oklahoma City, OK. Ben was born and raised in New Iberia, LA. He was baptized into Christ in Austin, TX as a student at the University of Texas at Austin. Ben has served in the full-time ministry for nearly 15 years first in Dallas, TX and moved to Oklahoma to start a campus ministry at OU. Ben earned his MRE from Rochester University in the fall of 2021 and highly recommends the program for anyone searching for a master’s degree while in the full-time ministry.

Reading and Experiencing the Bible as Phenomenon

The Bible did not fall out of the sky! God’s wisdom for all humankind is being revealed through a diverse group of writers and time periods. These human authors were writing and theologizing their own history and context carried by the Holy Spirit often echoing the writers before them. By us keeping that in front of us, we can bring not only our scriptural and historical knowledge to the table when interpreting the Bible but all of our diverse life experiences in our congregations. I hope as we are carried by the Holy Spirit today, we can still have an encounter with the living God as these authors did and spiritually discern in our congregational contexts what God is doing among us. I hope to reveal the Bible as Jesus was revealed as both divine and human. For some in our pursuit of the divine and metaphysical can lose our humanity for others, while others can over pursue their humanity and ignore God presence completely.

Thursday, February 24th

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM




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