J. Brian Craig
California, USA
Brian is an evangelist, songwriter and worship leader, known for some of the songs he's written that are sung in ICOC churches around the world -- songs like "Be with Me, Lord," "I Need Your Love," "Great Among the Nations," and “Anchor for the Soul.” Brian and his wife Dessa have served in full-time ministry for over twenty years (LA Church of Christ, South Bay). They have two sons in college and a daughter in high school who all love God as well. Brian completed a Masters program in ministry at Pepperdine University and was recently appointed a teacher in the LA Church.
WORD DWELL RICHLY: The Relationship Between Songs, Scripture, and the Community of Faith
The capacity of songs to carry text has great implications for how they may relate to the development of scripture and the the cultural history of Israel and the early church. In this class we will explore some examples and then look more deeply at one of the oldest songs (predating the text) contained in within the biblical narrative, the “Lament of David” (2 Sam 1:19-27) and how it may function in this regard. We will see that songs serve a unique role in our identity as the people of God, serving both to connect us back to the original event/ history that may have birthed them and identifying us with the community that now possesses them, giving songs new meaning in present context. We’ll also consider modern day examples and implications for the indwelling of scripture (Col 3:16) with new scripture-based songs.
Friday, February 25th
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM