Dr. Bill Moulden
Missouri, USA
Dr. Bill Moulden has served in the full-time ministry for over 27 years throughout the Southwest, Midwest, and now the Heartland family of churches. He currently serves as an Evangelist and Teacher with the Gateway City Church in St. Louis, MO. Bill has Masters of Divinity and a Doctorate in Ministry from Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, NM.
A Teacher's Hermeneutical Roles: The Exegete, The Homilete, The Paraclete
We are so blessed to be disciples at a time when the church desperately wants to grow in size as well as depth and substance. This desire has given rise to our ministry as teachers. But what is yet to be determined is the exact role teachers can play in the local congregation. This class will demonstrate three fundamental ways teachers can serve as blessings to the ministry: the exegete, one who expounds and interprets the text, the homilete, one who preaches and teaches, and the Paraclete, one who joins the Holy Spirit in being an advocate, helper, and comforter to the ministry.
Friday, February 25th
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM